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Class of 1802 Resurrection!
Graduates from the Class of 1802 will celebrate their Bicentennial Resurrection at Morbid Vista Cemetery next Walpurgis Night, April 30. The festivities will commence with a midnight picnic and conclude with Last Rites and Burial Services just before dawn the following day.
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Class of 2125 Pre-Union!
The first Pre-Union of the time-travelling graduating class of the Year 2125, who barely escaped from the complete destruction of Earth in their own time, will be held from 6-11 pm next New Year's Day in Suite 451 of the Bradbury Building. Free food and drinks will be provided by the 2125 classmates in celebration of their survival. All living, dead, or undead Frankenstein students, faculty, staff and alumni are invited to attend and eat, drink, and be merry, for all too soon we all may die.
See more about the future!
Classes of the Sixties Need Your Help to Get It Together, Man!
A MAJOR reunion happening is being planned for all of the Classes of the '60's, but like, hey, man, it's a lot of hard work getting it together, you dig? The committee members constantly lose track of what they're discussing and totally forget about important essentials, so they can really use some help to get this gig together. If you're into it, turn on, tune in, and fall on by, baby. Come on, people -- let's bring back the Sixties!
Tune in to more groovy details!
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