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Class of 1802 Resurrection!

Graduates from the Class of 1802 will celebrate their Bicentennial Resurrection at Morbid Vista Cemetery next Walpurgis Night, April 30. The festivities will commence with a B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Body) picnic at midnight and end with Last Rites and Burial Services just before dawn the following day. Cost will be 25 Carpathian lugosis per couple or 15 per lost soul attending.

The 200th Resurrection planning committee will next meet at 11:00 pm on Friday, November 13 in Room 1313 of the Ghastly Building. Midnight snacks and beverages (tana leaf tea) will be provided.

For more information, please contact Gideon Macabre at: gideon@marblerow.com.

This is also the Morbid Vista Cemetery "Community Days" weekend. We are trying to dig up the following slabmates: Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, L. P. Hartley, Frank Belknap Long, M. R. James, Sax Rohmer, H. Rider Haggard, E. F. Benson, W. F. Harvey, May Sinclair, J. D. Beresford, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, H. R. Wakefield, Walter de la Mare, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Hugh Walpole, W. W. Jacobs, Arthur Quiller-Couch, Manly Wade Wellman, Mrs. Oliphant, Oliver Onions, and J. Sheridan LeFanu. If you know how we might contact them, please scream-mail Gideon M. at the above address.

Class of 2125 Pre-Union!
The very first Class Pre-Union of the famous time-travelling Frankenstein University graduating class of the Year 2125 will be held next New Year's Day. The 37 students from the future arrived on this campus a few months ago via the amazing "panchronomnibus" designed by the now world-renowned (though as yet unborn) Frankenstein University radical science Professor George Wells Herbert, who succeeded in his valiant effort to save "a few of our best and brightest" from the oblivion of an impending global holocaust. The bewildered time travelers arrived safely, but with no home planet to return to, and with grim news of the forthcoming complete destruction of our world by an interplanetary peace-keeping force of indestructible robots, just moments after Professor Herbert launched his escape vehicle into the present day past! Unfortunately, Professor Herbert missed the bus himself, so most of the secrets of his astounding device will die with him a century from now, unless the efforts of contemporary scientists to understand the puzzling mechanisms eventually prove successful. So far, the complexity of its mechanisms and the unknown materials of its construction have baffled our greatest minds.

The 2125 Class invites all Frankenstein students, faculty, staff and alumni -- living, dead, or undead -- to join them in celebrating their survival. The festivities will be held from 6:00 - 11:00 pm in Suite 451 of the Bradbury Building. Free food and beverages will be provided by the 2125 Class members, who urge everybody to eat, drink, and be merry while you can.

For additional information, please contact Hugo Gernsback at: amazing@scientifiction.com.

Classes of the Sixties -- Come Together -- Right Now!
A MAJOR reunion is currently being planned for ALL of the Frankenstein University classes of the '60's! The plan is to put on a HUGE 3-day happening outdoors, and invite all alumni from the entire decade to get together with their classmates for a long weekend of exposure to the elements, sleeping on the ground, indulging in the self-destructive habits of their youth, listening to incredibly loud music, hanging out with large crowds of whacked-out strangers, and generally revisiting their college years in an attempt to revive the monstrous spirit of peace, love, brotherhood, sex, drugs and shock & roll that animated the psychotronic sixties. The event, if it actually comes together, will be held next summer in the fields of Hastur's farm in the nearby village of Woodshock.

But like, hey man, it's a lot of labor getting it together, you dig? The committee members, when they show up for planning discussions at all, are constantly losing track of what they're talking about and totally forgetting about important essentials. They could really use some help -- if you're into it, turn on, tune in, and fall on by, baby: next planning party is supposed to happen in the black light room at The Dungeon next Friday night around 7:00 pm. (One of the perks is that there are always plenty of munchies and other consumables at the meetings!)

All 1960's graduates who would like to pitch in are asked to contact Ivy Poison at calamine@lotion.net -- if you aren't into, like, work, you can at least give her your crash pad and scream-mail addresses so she can add your name to our "old fiends" database.

Ivy says they're hoping to be able to get a bunch of original bands from the period to perform during the event, and they're trying hard to get in touch with old favorites like The Weirdbirds, Scream, The Astro Zombies, Joe Shocker, Hate, The HeeBee GeeBees, The Manimals, Creepenwolf, Damned Heat, Iron Bloodsupply, Gorilla Fudge, The What, Moldy Grave, The Hung Rascals, Creedence Fearslaughter and the Graceful Dead -- to name but a few!

Come on, people, now -- let's bring back the Sixties!