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College of
Eldritch Knowledge

Institute of Applied
Weird Science

Academy of
Alchemical Research

Communicating with the Dead Resuscitating Cadavers Transmutation of Base Metals
Communicating with the Undead Capturing the Human Soul The Philosopher's Stone
Opening Gates to the Unknown Cross-breeding Among Species Teachings of Paracelsus
Closing Gates to the Unknown Were-creature Husbandry Golem Construction
The Systems of Hell Venomous Flora and Fauna Conjuring for Professionals
Visiting the Spirit World Investigating Alien Life Forms Prognostication and Divination
Contacting Elder Gods Transplanting the Human Head Mastery of Elemental Forces
Diabolical Possession Fundamentals of Brain Switching Managing Imps and Demons
Aerobic Exorcism Dealing with Bug-eyed Monsters Fundamentals of Astrology
Opening the Third Eye Managing Hunchbacks Techniques of Necromancy

College of
Medical Malpractice

School of Witchcraft
and Black Magic

Institute of Supernatural
and Paranormal Activities

Disorders of the Brain Wiccan Spells and Curses Poltergeist Management
Preservation of Body Parts Satanic Pacts and Contracts Conducting the Seance
Needlework for Lab Professionals Broomstick Management Interpretion of Ouija Boards
Dealing with Graverobbers Distilling Potions and Philtres Elementary Spirit Writing
Introductory Dissection Care and Feeding of Familiars Methods of Ghost Busting
Advanced Dissection Techniques of Wand Control Contacting Abominable Men
Elements of Laboratory Wiring Planning the Perfect Sabbat Fundamental Mind Reading
Maintaining Lab Secrecy Pentacles and Pentagrams Spirit Guide to Channeling
Alien Autopsy Techniques Preparation of Brews Efficient X-File Management