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Abnormal Medicine and
Unhealthy Research

Ancient Secrets and
Forbidden Knowledge


Introduction to Frankensteinian
Laboratory Techniques
The Scroll of Thoth and
Egyptian Secrets
for the Compleat Gourmet
Advanced Frankensteinian
Laboratory Techniques
Ancient Mesopotamian
Curses and Threats
Production and Control
of New Races of Supermen
Introductory Corpse Procurement Aztec Mummification Methods Invisible Management
Advanced Corpse Procurement Ancient Chinese Secrets Voodoo Management
Disposal of Corpses Modern Chinese Secrets Zombie Husbandry
Teratology: Study of Monsters The Tibetan Book of the Dead Introduction to Misanthropy
Abnormal Brain Surgery Secrets of the Kabbala Serial Euthanasia
Electrical Biology Apocryphal Scripture Introductory Vampirism
Artificial Intelligence Al Azif / The Necronomicon Vampirism Master Class
Artificial Stupidity Malleus Maleficarum Introductory Lycanthropy
Constructive Anatomy The Pnakotic Manuscripts Lycanthropy Master Class
Deconstructive Anatomy Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan Elementary Shape Shifting
Creative Toxicology De Vermis Mysteriis Advanced Shape Shifting
Deadly Life Forms Cultes des Goules Stimulation of the Fear Impulse
Modern Methods of Vivisection Unaussprechlichen Kulten Acid Baths and Lime Pits
Embalming and Disembalming The Eltdown Shards Cultivation of Hatred and Evil
Cultivation of Deadly Diseases Gnosticism New Approaches to Sadism
Mad Laboratory Management Druidic Rites Creative Schizophrenia
Reckless Experimentation Rituals of the Illuminati The Uses of Psychosis

Unnatural Sciences

Black Arts and Inhumanities

Galvanism and Elemental Electricity Animating Lifeless Forms
Mesmerism and Hypnotics Soul-stealing with Photography
Manimal Husbandry Sculpting the Human Figure in Wax
Elementary Death Rays Torturing with Elevator Music
Construction of Robots and Automatons Opera for Phantoms
Weird Computer Science Music of the Spheres
Inquisitional Mechanics Noose Dancing
Cultivation of Carnivorous Plants Dead Languages
Introduction to Mind Control Undead Languages