[Basil Rathbone portrait]

Basil Rathbone

June 13, 1892 - July 21, 1967
Born Philip St. John Basil Rathbone in Johannesburg, South Africa

Two Oscar nominations as Best Supporting Actor :
Romeo and Juliet (1936) and If I Were King (1938), losing to Walter Brennan both times!

1948 Tony Award winner as "Dr. Sloper" in the original Broadway production of "The Heiress"

See Marcia Jesson's Basil Rathbone: Master of Stage and Screen, a GREAT fan site!

See Internet Movie Database Filmography

A Lot of Favorite Memories of Basil Rathbone

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Last revised May 9 2021 by George "E-gor" Chastain.

Maintained by George "E-gor" Chastain (e-mail: egorschamber@gmail.com)